We WON’T Grow Up!

How old were you when you finally felt like a grown-up?  Marty and Shannon both agreed that they don’t feel like grown ups, despite being over 40 and parents and they are not alone.  A new survey found that was the #1 answer… we don’t feel grown up!  Some people answered that owning a home made them feel like a grown up, or becoming a parent or getting their first “big boy or big girl” job.


SO think about it… do you FEEL like a grown up?  Or do you feel like a total fraud sitting as the parent at the parent teacher meeting?  Do you laugh a little when (ladies) someone calls you Mrs or Ma’am?  Guys- was your dad more of an adult at your age?


BTW- if being a grown up means we can’t snack on goldfish crackers then we’re happy to be NOT GROWN UP as long as we can!

