Spring is here, and the greens are open. On April third, you can hit the links and save big on your golf game with the 2024 CNY Clubhouse card. nine rounds of golf and cart rental for just one hundred and twenty-five dollars. Starting April third, you can pick up your CNY clubhouse card and you will be playing eighteen holes at Glennwood Golf course, Greenview country club, Willowbrook Golf Club, Pearl Lakes Golf Course, Drumlins Golf course AND two rounds of 18- holes with a cart at Orchard Golf Club and Tanner Valley Golf course. That’s 7 courses and 9 rounds of golf with cart for $125! Only a limited number of CNY Clubhouse cards will be available starting April third. Don’t miss out. Go to (station website) at eight AM and click on the CNY clubhouse card link and buy yours for only one hundred and twenty-five dollars. Save the date, April third, and go online to buy this season’s best golf deal. Brought to you by Glennwood Golf course, Greenview country club, Willow brook Golf Club, Pearl Lakes Golf Course, Drumlins Golf course, Orchard Vali Golf Club, and Tanner Valley Golf Course.
CLICK HERE starting April 3rd at 8am